Thursday, July 24, 2014

RFM12 adapter (optional UART with PIC16)

I've been using RFM12 modules for over 5 years. They are pretty nice and cheap radio modules. This modules use frequency modulation(FM) which means they are more robust than AM ones. The only downside I can see is that this modules are prototype unfriendly. 

To solve this issue you need an adapter. The internet is full with all kind of adapters for RFM12 modules. Almost all of this modules just convert unfriendly footprint to a friendly one (breadboard friendly). 

My idea was to make an adapter that had 2 functions:
  • a simple breadboard friendly adapter
  • a standalone board with MCU

The main idea was to put an optional MCU on the board. So, if you don't need the MCU just don't solder it and use the board as a simple adapter. The winner for this project was a PIC16F1824 microcontroller. This one has ulta-low-power operation modes which are great for low power devices. 

This is a 3D model of the board:

On the top there is only one LED which can be used for status or something else.

And here is the bottom side:

Here we have some decoupling caps and a few resistors(reset etc.). And of course the PIC micro in 14 pin SOIC package. Almost all PIC micros that have 14 pin are pin to pin compatible, this means that you can use any micro you want(that has 14 pin). For programming the microcontroller there are some test pads. This pads can also be used for UART communication.

The schematic is pretty simple:

And here is the pcb:

Unfortunately RFM12 eagle part did't had all pins routed, so I had to put some connection that don't relate to schematic. This connection are not used, but I've made them anyway.


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